Fun, Laugh, Cry, Smile, Share, Trust, Love- FRIENDS
EST 1997
Every year since 2005, the Napoleon Family and the Hill Family have spent at least three weekends together every summer. This past summer took us down to
We always have such a great time together-it is hard to find reasons to leave (or sometimes reasons to stay depending on how are our children are behaving)! Whatever comes our way-we are there for eachother-and that is a blessing that is irreplaceable. Cheers to all the good friends we have throughout the world!
You are going to make me cry!
We are so glad that you are here with us in VA. It has been so much fun site seeing and being there for one another. We love you guys!!
The Crazy Napoleons
We are very thankful that we have all been in VA together! It has been such a great time. Thanks for all of the years of special memories. We love your family!!
You guys are great! We are so thankful to be in VA with you. This is the 3rd time I have typed a comment so I hope it works this time! Love you guys! It is kind of scary how much the girls look like us! And of course they are beautiful.
Ok This blog is not letting me send you a comment!!
This is attempt#4. Here goes,
We love you and we are so thankful to be here in VA with you! The girls are so cute sitting together. They look like us!
We love you guys thanks for all of the fun memories.
This looked like a fun trip! I think my boys would love it and also think working as a trolley driver or at Krispie Kreme would be acceptable.
Thanks for the idea.
I have been thinking about you sooo much lately! How are you??? How is Briana liking 1st grade? Preschool start yet? I hope all is well!
Great blog! Those Napoleons sound like a great family...probably extremely humble and super righteous. I'm sure they're the most humble family you know!
You guys are great. You've made these past 3 years bearable and fun. Thanks for being great friends and family.
FYI: The baby's name is spelled Kaikane (touchie subject for you know who)
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