Sunday, July 13, 2008

Nana's Gallery
6 1/2 years old
2nd grade Fall 2008

"A daughter is a mother's gender partner, her closest ally in the family confederacy, an extension of her self. And mothers are their daughters' role model, their biological and emotional road map, the arbiter of all their relationships." ~Victoria Secunda

Nana's life as a 7 year old fills our family with smiles and happiness! She is developing a character and personality that is so diverse and free.

Yet she is grounded and strong in spirit, seemingly able to fight off the forces of an imaginary evil stepmother or witch, with a friendship spell from her pretend potion pots, that magically morphs evil into love! I often wonder if spend enough time with her-do I know her like I should? Do I know what her favorite color is this week, or what she thinks about when she is alone? Do I know her facial expressions in the capacity that a mother should be able to read her daughter's face? Does she know that she can come crying to me, without judgement, for any hard decision she is faced with, and any consequence of a decision she has already made? Do I pay enough attention to the little things that make up the minutes of her life with me? Do I give her enough credit when credit is due? Do I listen to what she does not say? Do I love her enough, that everyday she leaves our home without any doubt that she is safe here?

These questions will only be answered in the years to come, when we sit down after she has her own children and talk frankly about how she remembers me! Wow! I have so much work to do in order for her to have the memory I want her to!!!!

Over the last year she has come into her own as a young citizen in this world, and as I look at her, I see the world as it should be-simple and innocent and filled with uncomplicated answers to problems that seem so difficult to the adult world that she lives in.

Below, I have listed some of the things that make her so unique to us and qualities that remind me of what I need to work for in this world, to make the world of opportunity everything it can be for her future.

Nana's Developing list of amazing characteristics:

-She loves reading science and cooking books
-She loves doing science projects (volcanoes are her favorite!)
-She loves history (George Washington at Mt. Vernon and Abraham Lincoln are her favorite so far)
-She is a talented artist (pictures of me, flowers, fairies and self portraits are her niche so far)
-She is a good example of sportsmanship, even stopping mid-soccer game to help a fallen player up
-She is a good friend to those around her
-She is is thoughtful and aware of the importance of service
-She is aware of the world around her and is a forward and analytical thinker (i.e. after reading an article in the National Geographic together about child labor in India said,"Mom, children should not have to work all day without food and with their fingers bleeding! If we stop buying things than maybe we could give our money to help them so they won't have to work.")

-She is a continuous fashion statement for the Nana School of Design (pink and brown checked skirts with a pink and turquoise flowered shirt, and her Great Grandmothers clip-on earrings and pearl necklace!

-She has a great imagination as demonstrated by her most recent book "The Crab and the Magic Hat"!
-She loves her daddy
-She loves writing songs and singing melodies
-She loves Sushi and going out to eat with me and any friend of mine
-Last but not least, she is an amazing attribute to the world and believes that she will be an astronaut, an author, an illustrator, a teacher, a vet. and a photographer-and I believe she will be all of those too!

There is a light to her eyes that reminds me everyday of her inherent goodness and desire to make the choices that will bring her happiness. I am truly blessed to have her sweet spirit in my life, and I hope I can retain her respect and friendship as we grow as mother and daughter on our path together. I love her so much my heart hurts!

Two hours after these pictures were taken by our good friend Cherie Napoleon, Nana's two front teeth fell out! The tooth fairy had hoped they would hang on until the pictures were over-some wishes do come true!!!

Some Memorable Quotes:
"Why don't you ever like me to wear stripes with plaid?"

"I hope Santa brings me the doll chair-since my brothers were so heavy that their big bottoms broke it when I tried to do their hair!"

"I am going on a date with Daddy!"

"I can't believe we're going to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! I love that man!"

"I hope they give me some pain medicine when I have a baby or there's no way I am ever doing that!"

"Thank you mom and dad for taking me to the movies!"

"I just love you so much and I am so glad you are here to feed me!"

"I fell off the bed lastnight-AGAIN!"

"Why do I have to do these words? I am never going to use them!" (writing out her spelling words for school)

What I wish for her:
I hope that she is always smart in her decisions
I hope she always maintains the spirit
I hope that she stays funny
I hope that she stays innocent
I hope that she continues to be thoughtful
I hope that she loves her life
I hope that she loves her body
I hope that she learns from he mistakes
I hope we remain close
I hope she has a best friend for most of her life
I hope she falls in love
I hope she marries her love
I hope she knows how much we love her
I hope she is happy and holds on to her dreams

"A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of the future." ~Author Unknown

1 comment:

Jules said...

so sweet, a good tribute to a sweet, beautiful, little girl! I can't believe she is almost 7!! Happy (Early)Birthday Nana!

Almost 9 years and 3 kids later and we're still smiling!

Almost 9 years and 3 kids later and we're still smiling!
Isn't love great? Sometimes, at the end of the day, we just sit together and think,"We can't believe we have three kids!" Thank goodness for date nights!

Hills in the News

Well, so far the Hill Family has been keeping up with all of our friends and family through occasional phone calls-but no more! We hope that we can share updates about what is going on in our family regularly, with everyone who knows us through this blog! We hope all of you are doing well and we can't wait to hear from you too.
Since Mama Hill has a bad habit of carrying on long thoughts and conversations, you all may be very thankful for the e-version of communication, so feel free to keep us posted about what's happening in your end of the world (without me talking over you)!
Here's how the Hills roll:
Nana just finished Kindergarten, is reading up a storm and completed her first season ever of soccer!
Mr.Man has discovered how cool Jedi Knights and their blue and red light sabers are!
Little Bubbers has discovered how to defend himself, from his older brothers new interest in hitting him with the cool Jedi Knight light sabers!
Jeff is just working up a storm, occasionally fits in some golf and is constantly trying to figure out a way he can be a millionaire overnight, I am busy working with Moby Wrap, Inc. and recently had an article published at the following address:
Aside from being able to add a little to the family income, I spend most of my days finding ways we can kick the soccer ball, play Star Wars, read books, eat, protect Little Bubbers and become millionaires-all at the same time!
We have had a wonderful couple of years here in our Nations Capitol and just to give you an idea of how much fun we've had in the House of Hill-here are are a couple of pictures we've taken over the last few months.
Until the next update- we hope you have a great time with your own family this summer and we can't wait to see your pictures and read your news too!
All the best-Carrie

"Here's Looking at You Kid!"

"Here's Looking at You Kid!"
Only 1 year old and already a conessiuer of fine chocolate cake! He takes after his Mama and his Grandmas! We're chocolate lovers too!