Sunday, July 13, 2008

Pictures that make me smile

Look at this face!!! Is there a better feeling than to see your children smiling in a candid moment? His smile warms my heart and makes me think of all the wonderful happiness there is in being an innocent soul-free of the troubles that come with growing older. What a gift!

Jeff and Austin were sharing a moment of father/son laughter and the camera just happened to pick it up-much to my pleasure!

"Hello! Gammy-how you?" Just one of those cute phrases that he said on his 2nd Christmas morning!

Jackson's Photos
Is this the cutest red-head you have ever seen or what!
This is my Mr. Man! We had such a great time at Water Country in Williamsburg.

First Day of Pre-School for Jackson was October 1st! He had so much fun and looked so small compared to his backpack! Here he is with his proud Papa!
Here is his Proud Mama thinking "What a good looking little guy I have!" Apparently all of his highschool teachers at the pre-school program thought he was good-looking too-they all loved him and hugged him all the time! (I think I'm in trouble for the next 12 years!)
What a stud eh! Check out that smile-it says "I am here to be cute!"
Right for the toys-that's the best part of pre-school right!!! He was so excited to be in school like his big sister Briana!
Halloween was pretty fun-he went trick or treating as a Power Ranger at school and played some games! He didn't get to go trick-treating that night though-apparently mom let him too much candy earlier in the day because he was so sick that night. He laid on the couch looking so sad and kind of green in the face! Maybe this year will be better!

Santa came to visit the Stone Bridge little Bull Dog Pre-School! "I help my mom take out the trash!" was what he answered to Santa when asked what he had done to help around the house.
He got a cool dinosaur in return.
What a pair! The lights at the D.C. temple really put us in the Christmas spirit in 2007. We saw the live nativity and Jackson loved looking at all the different trees in the visitors center. Christmas is just magical for kids isn't it? When you have children to make it magical for-it becomes even more memorable!

Pictures of Everyone

The three Hill kids on our doorstep for our very first snow of the season!

Washington D.C. is so beautiful at Christmas! This is a picture of the Capitol Building and the national Christmas Tree that Jeff took when we went down to sightsee last holiday!

This is another gorgeous picture of the D.C. temple at Christmas that Jeff took. We go every year to enjoy the beautiful atmosphere and the holiday programs that go on at the visitor's Center.

Jeff and I at Christmas! 10 Christmas holidays together and we're still looking happy!

All the Hill's at the National Botanical Gardens for the electric train display that comes almost every year. It is a favorite thing for us to do-it has all the magic of the holiday season.

Briana and Jackson drooling over the candy displays at the mall before their Christmas picture with Santa. They looked like something out of a 40's movie-like Andy Rooney and Judy Garland.
Jeff and Austin at the National Zoo for Austin's 2nd birthday!

Mom and Austin just sharing a smile while looking at the animals.

All three kids looking at the Meerkats.
Just a Dad and his sons-what could be more special than seeing a father spending time with his kids?!

Mom and Oma at Austin's birthday party. We really know how to make a birthday hat look fashionable!
Easter pictures are always fun, but these turned out really cute! Grammy hill really knows how to dress her grandkids!

Jackson and mom just chillin' for a minute between the Easter meal at Oma's and Opa's house. I went to Costco for groceries and came out with these three kids. They looked pretty helpless so I thought I better help them out!
Briana and mom on the shoreline of the Sarasota Bridge in Florida earlier this year!

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Almost 9 years and 3 kids later and we're still smiling!

Almost 9 years and 3 kids later and we're still smiling!
Isn't love great? Sometimes, at the end of the day, we just sit together and think,"We can't believe we have three kids!" Thank goodness for date nights!

Hills in the News

Well, so far the Hill Family has been keeping up with all of our friends and family through occasional phone calls-but no more! We hope that we can share updates about what is going on in our family regularly, with everyone who knows us through this blog! We hope all of you are doing well and we can't wait to hear from you too.
Since Mama Hill has a bad habit of carrying on long thoughts and conversations, you all may be very thankful for the e-version of communication, so feel free to keep us posted about what's happening in your end of the world (without me talking over you)!
Here's how the Hills roll:
Nana just finished Kindergarten, is reading up a storm and completed her first season ever of soccer!
Mr.Man has discovered how cool Jedi Knights and their blue and red light sabers are!
Little Bubbers has discovered how to defend himself, from his older brothers new interest in hitting him with the cool Jedi Knight light sabers!
Jeff is just working up a storm, occasionally fits in some golf and is constantly trying to figure out a way he can be a millionaire overnight, I am busy working with Moby Wrap, Inc. and recently had an article published at the following address:
Aside from being able to add a little to the family income, I spend most of my days finding ways we can kick the soccer ball, play Star Wars, read books, eat, protect Little Bubbers and become millionaires-all at the same time!
We have had a wonderful couple of years here in our Nations Capitol and just to give you an idea of how much fun we've had in the House of Hill-here are are a couple of pictures we've taken over the last few months.
Until the next update- we hope you have a great time with your own family this summer and we can't wait to see your pictures and read your news too!
All the best-Carrie

"Here's Looking at You Kid!"

"Here's Looking at You Kid!"
Only 1 year old and already a conessiuer of fine chocolate cake! He takes after his Mama and his Grandmas! We're chocolate lovers too!