Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Pretty in Pink -The Little Bunny Hills

Well Easter is such a wonderful time of year! Our little bunch of spring flowers had a great time finding eggs that the Easter Bunny spent a lot of time hiding the night before, hunting for their Easter Bunny Baskets and generally making sure that there were equal amounts of candy in everyone's little candy containers! Aside from the commercial activities, Sunday morning was filled with getting everyone dressed for church-a feat that not even the Easter Bunny with his little magic Easter wand could accomplish before 12:30 p.m.! We were able to get everyone dressed and the first one down the stairs was Briana-Pretty in pink-and showing off her new dress for her Daddy! She twirled and spun and danced and curtsied like a true Princess (the Disney Princess movies have been studied in depth-to make sure she got the curtsy right!) She was pretty cute-and her Daddy just melted! Can we say-"wrapped around someone's little finger?" They were so sweet dancing in the livingroom-it just gave me visions of the two of them at her wedding! Yes-I got a little teary-eyed!

After getting my little men dressed-we all came downstairs to take a few pictures, before spilled juice or half chewed, melted chocolate bunnies became part of the decor! It was so great to see them all three so cute and happy-like little cherubs waiting to explode during church!

I had to take a picture of our little Bubbers-he is just so happy-it's impossible to walk by him and not take his picture (but then again- I am his mother!) Don't you just want to pull his little chubby cheeks?!

We did finally talk about the actual reason for celebrating Easter and watched Testament-which is so wonderful-but a little confusing for small children-Jackson kept asking if the people were Lamanites or Nephites because "they all had the same clothes on and no shoes!" He was very concerned about their missing clothes and shoes and made sure to tell me "that they would be in trouble with heir mommies if they didn't get dressed, because heavenly father wants us to wear clothes!" The Book of Mormon through the eyes of a child-I bet it's pretty confusing!

At the end of the day-when Jeff and I were laying on the couch, eating leftover ham and staring at something on T.V., we realized that the Easter Bunny had brought a bag of M&M's that we hadn't even opened yet-you can guess that they were gone within minutes-sugar high wore off and I fell asleep on the couch holding my blanket over my head, just in case my children came looking for me-I'd be hidden and the couch would just look a little lumpy (like that ever works-they have Mommy under the blanket radar!).

All in all-it was a lovely Easter Sunday!

1 comment:

Rachael said...

I love that you have a blog!!! It's so fun to read. Thanks for cluing me in. I hope all else is well and that back to school is treating you well. Stay in touch. I'll post your site.

Almost 9 years and 3 kids later and we're still smiling!

Almost 9 years and 3 kids later and we're still smiling!
Isn't love great? Sometimes, at the end of the day, we just sit together and think,"We can't believe we have three kids!" Thank goodness for date nights!

Hills in the News

Well, so far the Hill Family has been keeping up with all of our friends and family through occasional phone calls-but no more! We hope that we can share updates about what is going on in our family regularly, with everyone who knows us through this blog! We hope all of you are doing well and we can't wait to hear from you too.
Since Mama Hill has a bad habit of carrying on long thoughts and conversations, you all may be very thankful for the e-version of communication, so feel free to keep us posted about what's happening in your end of the world (without me talking over you)!
Here's how the Hills roll:
Nana just finished Kindergarten, is reading up a storm and completed her first season ever of soccer!
Mr.Man has discovered how cool Jedi Knights and their blue and red light sabers are!
Little Bubbers has discovered how to defend himself, from his older brothers new interest in hitting him with the cool Jedi Knight light sabers!
Jeff is just working up a storm, occasionally fits in some golf and is constantly trying to figure out a way he can be a millionaire overnight, I am busy working with Moby Wrap, Inc. and recently had an article published at the following address:
Aside from being able to add a little to the family income, I spend most of my days finding ways we can kick the soccer ball, play Star Wars, read books, eat, protect Little Bubbers and become millionaires-all at the same time!
We have had a wonderful couple of years here in our Nations Capitol and just to give you an idea of how much fun we've had in the House of Hill-here are are a couple of pictures we've taken over the last few months.
Until the next update- we hope you have a great time with your own family this summer and we can't wait to see your pictures and read your news too!
All the best-Carrie

"Here's Looking at You Kid!"

"Here's Looking at You Kid!"
Only 1 year old and already a conessiuer of fine chocolate cake! He takes after his Mama and his Grandmas! We're chocolate lovers too!