Well, Jackson's 3rd birthday was Star Wars-eriffic!!! After spending a few hours at the Indoor Pool arena, we had all the Star Wars things we could think of-we even played Pin the Helmut on Lord Darth Vadar (make the breathing mask sound-c'mon you know you want to).
We surprised him when he walked through the door, by playing the Star Wars anthem as loud as we could on our home theatre system, as he entered the livingromm scared half to death and covering his ears! (Always a great way to freak out your children and send them into crying big alligator tears on their birthday). As soon as we reassured him that it was for his birthday and there was cake and presents-his mood changed dramatically and he was off!
We had fun watching him blow out the candles and open his new red and blue light sabers (that Jeff and I actually bought for us-but used his birthday as our excuse for buying them)! He thought that was the coolest thing ever-we turned off all of the lights and played laser light saber battle to the death with Opa Smith in our tiny livingroom. Opa took some bad hits-but he was resurrected by "The Force" in time to have chocolate Darth Vadar cake and open the rest of the Star Wars action figures! As far as my children know-there is only one set of George Lucas Star Wars movies-the classic set my friends-Chewbaca, Princess Leah, Han Solo in carbon freezing status-oh yeah-the good old days when special effects meant bright lights shooting past the ships really fast and hyperdrive with cool zippy sounds! Can I get an Amen for vintage Harrison Ford?!!!
Anyway-it is so fun to watch our kids grow up! Sometimes we can't even believe that we have these kids-and they're ours, like-forever! "F-O-R-E-V-E-R" to quote The Sandlot! They are amazing aren't they?
What a life-playing with Star Wars action figures, eating cool cake, playing battle to the death and just crashing in deep peaceful sleep anywhere in any position-sticky fingers, face and all. Oh to be young and carefree again! It was a Happy Birthday for my little Jedi Knight! I can't wait for next year-maybe we'll do ET-we can all phone home with long, pointy alien fingers-I'll make sure to post pictures-
L8er Skaters!
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